Overcoming Cannabis Withdrawal Anxiety: 3 Effective Methods to Succeed

Empower Yourself and Conquer Cannabis Withdrawal with Confidence!

A drastic change in life begins by stepping out of our comfort zone and taking action. But why is it so difficult to take that first step, and why do most people fear cannabis withdrawal? In this article, I will explain exactly that and show you how to conquer your fears with three effective methods.

It’s no secret that change can be challenging and intimidating, especially when it comes to breaking free from the grip of cannabis. However, it’s time to face those fears head-on and embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation. Are you ready to leave your comfort zone behind and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life? Join me as we conquer our fears and embark on a new chapter together.

1. The Fear and Its Benefits

Before you can learn to cope with fear, you must first understand it. Originally, fear served to contribute to human survival by triggering the “fight or flight” response.

The classic example is when a person encounters a lion, and this response prompts them to either summon the energy to flee or engage in combat with the lion.

Since we rarely encounter lions in today’s world and seldom have to choose between fighting or fleeing, we can describe the “fight or flight” mode more generally.

In modern times, we can flee from frightening things by turning away from them or, unfortunately, often repressing them. However, unlike in the lion example, the problem is not resolved but instead persists or even worsens.

When we fight against things that frighten us, we actively confront them, and ideally, we can solve the problem at hand. However, the best approach is not to be tempted to flee or fight against our fears but rather to overcome them and prevent fear-inducing situations in the future.

Lion liking his lips

"Fear does not reside in the things themselves, but in how we perceive them."

2. The Fear of Cannabis Withdrawal

In general, undergoing withdrawal is a significant step, regardless of the type of addiction. However, when it comes to cannabis withdrawal, fear becomes the biggest obstacle for users to quit smoking. It is important to understand that the fear of cannabis withdrawal is subjective and can stem from various reasons.

For instance, many addicts fear the unknown and worry about what their life will be like without constant intoxication. Questions arise, such as: “What will I do in the evenings now? How will I fill my leisure time once the constant numbing effect is gone?”

Others may be afraid to confront their pent-up problems. Cannabis often serves as an escape, creating a world where their issues no longer trouble them. However, these problems do not disappear; they are merely suppressed by substance abuse.

Consequently, embracing a clean lifestyle requires facing these issues, which can trigger fears. Addicts often hide these fear factors, consciously or unconsciously. They tend to resort to excuses like, “I don’t want to quit smoking because cannabis makes me feel better than being sober!” or “I use cannabis because it helps me relax and cope with life.”

Regardless of the problem or fear that cannabis allows you to avoid, it is crucial to confront and overcome them to lead a liberated life. The popular belief that cannabis makes you feel better is a mere illusion. Such claims are usually made by long-term users who have never truly experienced sobriety or understood the nature of withdrawal. In reality, you will initially feel worse before you feel better, and this process typically lasts around seven weeks. Those who make such statements have usually only managed to abstain for a few days.

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3. Fear - a product of our thoughts

To truly understand and overcome fear, it is essential to recognize that fear is often nothing more than a product of our thoughts. It is something we create in anticipation of an unpleasant situation. However, fear does not serve us well. It only makes us anxious, overly cautious, and paranoid. Understanding our personal fears is the key to eliminating them.

4. 3 Methods to Conquer Your Fear:

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to overcoming fear. Everyone has their own fears, and fears can be deeply rooted in individuals to varying degrees.

For some, simply gaining knowledge about fear and understanding their own fear may be enough to break free from it. However, this is rarely the case. Therefore, the following three methods are presented to help you conquer your fears.

Evaluate each method to see if it aligns with your specific fear, and choose the method that resonates with you and seems most feasible to implement. It may even be necessary to combine approaches and utilize them in conjunction with one another.

woman looking at camera and blowing out smoke

4.1 Embrace Freedom: Overcoming Fear through Acceptance

Nearly everyone has fears, and that is completely normal and okay. Unfortunately, we live in a society where we often hear phrases like “only little children are afraid of the dentist” or “real men don’t feel fear.” These messages can deeply affect us, leading us to suppress or ignore our fears. However, this approach usually results in stronger anxiety, the development of disorders, or a loss of self-worth.

That’s why it is crucial to be kind to yourself, take your fears seriously, and approach them with mindfulness. By allowing yourself to acknowledge and accept your fears instead of pushing them away, you may find that they start to dissipate. This is especially true if you have taken the time to explore the root causes of your fears, as described earlier. Remember, facing your fears and treating yourself with compassion can be transformative on your journey to overcoming them.

To address your fears and let go of them, it is particularly helpful to engage in mindfulness meditations. There are numerous guided mindfulness meditations and exercises available on platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and other channels, specifically designed to address and release anxiety.

Especially before and during a withdrawal process, these guided meditations can assist in alleviating physical discomfort and reducing or even resolving anxiety. They help you focus on what truly matters and engage in self-reflection. Recognizing and accepting your fears is also an essential element in the next method, which involves overcoming your fears through confrontation.

4.2 Confronting Your Fears: A Path to Overcoming Anxiety

Confronting your fears is a piece of advice almost everyone has heard at some point. However, very few actually put it into practice. Confronting personal fears is not just a layman’s idea for overcoming anxiety, but is also used in behavior therapy and is known as “exposure therapy”. The range of fears in which this therapy can be applied is quite broad.

In the case of cannabis withdrawal, this method can also help you. Of course, this advice is easier said than done, as many people have developed a habit of hiding from their fears instead of facing and overcoming them. By doing so, you can learn to manage your fears and approach future situations with curiosity or openness. Unfortunately, in our time, fear often serves no real purpose, but rather hinders people from taking control of their lives.

The same applies to withdrawal. Whatever reason you may have built up fear, you should simply start the withdrawal process! Most of the time, the fears and scenarios you have imagined don’t actually materialize. Of course, withdrawal is never a walk in the park. It will be uncomfortable and challenging, and you may have to face additional fears. However, one thing is certain: it will be worth it! Not only because you can finally quit smoking weed, but also because you will grow as a person when you finally confront your fears.

man on a lonely road, walking into the sun

4.3 Reframe and Rise: Overcoming Fear through a Shift in Interpretation

Häufig ist der Grund, weshalb du besonders große Angst vor etwas hast, dass du es dir ganz einfach viel schlimmer ausmalst, als es in Wirklichkeit ist.

Das bedeutet, dass du zum Beispiel eine katastrophisierende Vorstellung von einer bestimmten Situation hast. Oftmals ist diese Angst, wie oben erwähnt, lediglich durch unsere Gedanken entstanden. Dann hat die eigentliche Situation nichts mehr mit den angsteinflößenden Vorstellungen zu tun, die du davor hattest.

Vereinfacht kann man sagen, es gibt eine Situation, die du bewertest, wodurch Gefühle wie Angst entstehen. Wenn du dieses Muster jedoch ins Positive verkehrst, kannst du deine Ängste reduzieren oder loswerden.

Wie auch bei den beiden anderen Techniken zur Angstbekämpfung ist es wichtig, dass du dir darüber im Klaren bist, wovor und weshalb du Angst hast. Ein Beispiel findest du in der folgenden Infografik!

infographic on how to Overcoming Fear through a Shift in Interpretation

5. Conclusion

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back from Living Life on Your Terms! Discover in this Article that you don’t have to live with your fears forever. There are ways to overcome them, even if it takes some perseverance and patience.

While fear has its evolutionary purpose, it often hinders us from reaching our goals. Once you understand the roots of your personal fears, you can utilize one or more of the discussed strategies to conquer them.

Whether confronting, accepting, or reframing the fear aligns best with your needs, it’s up to you to decide. We wish you success on your journey to independence! What fears are holding you back from quitting smoking weed? Let us know in the comments!

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Anna and I’ve been part of the QSW team since 2021. I used to smoke weed daily for 8 years, and I hope that my experiences can help you. I’m looking forward to your comment on the post!

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